Iran Travel Tips 08 Oct 2022 BY Shah Izadipour

Necessary Words Before Traveling to Iran

Actually, the words "Farsi" and "Persian" have the same meaning and can be used interchangeably.

However, in Iran, the word "Farsi" is more common and can be understood by all Iranians, both young and old. Moreover, there are other languages along with different dialects in Iran. Languages such as Kurdish, forms of Turkish and Khuzi Arabic are spoken in western Iran, so some people in those regions may not speak or even understand Farsi, especially older people but since Farsi is the official language of Iran, almost most of the young people know it perfectly. Although, old people can also understand common Farsi words.

Common Farsi Words

Here, you can find common words and phrases which will help you to more enjoy your trip to Iran due to reducing your difficulties in language. It is worth mentioning that in Iran when they write Farsi with an English keyboard, it is called Finglish, which is also used here for better understanding and pronunciation of Farsi words.

English Persian فارسی
Goodbye Khodahafezخداحافظ
See you later!Badan mibinametبعدا می بینمت
Good morning!Sobh bekheirصبح به خیر
Good afternoonZohr bekheirظهر به خیر
Good evening!Asr bekheirعصر به خیر
Good nightShab bekheirشب به خیر
Good night and sweet dreams!Shab bekheir va khab haye khoob bebiniشب به خیر و خواب های خوب ببینی
Welcome!Khosh amadidخوش آمدید
How are you?Shoma chetor hastid?شما چطور هستید؟
I'm fine, thanks!Man khoobam, motshakeramمن خوبم، متشکرم
And you?Shoma chetor?شما چطور؟
Not badBad nistamبد نیستم
Thank youMotshakeramمتشکرم
Excuse meMibakh’shidمی بخشید
You're welcome!Khahesh mikonamخواهش می کنم
What's new? What’s up?Che khabar?چه خبر؟
Nothing muchKhabari nistخبری نیست

Asking for Help and Direction
I'm lostMan gom shodamمن گم شدم
Can you help me?Mitoonid komakam konid?می تونید کمکم کنید؟
Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)?Dastshooyi/ Darookhane kojast?دستشویی/ داروخانه کجا است؟
Straight/ Left/ RightMostaghim/ Chap/ Rastمستقیم/ چپ/ راست
I'm looking for John.Man donbale John migardamدنبال جان می گردم
Can you show me?Mishe neshoonam bedid?میشه نشونم بدهید؟
Can you say it again?Mishe tekrar konid?میشه تکرار کنید؟
Can you speak slowly?Mishe aheste sohbat konid?میشه آهسته صحبت کنید؟
Write it down, please!Benevisid lotfanبنویسید لطفا
I don’t understand!Motvajeh nemishavamمتوجه نمی شوم
I don’t know!Nemidanamنمی دانم
I have no idea!Nazari nadaramنظری ندارم
What’s it called in Persian?Be farsi che mishavad?به فارسی چه می شود؟
What does “ketab” mean in English?“Ketab” be englisi che mishavad?کتاب" به انگلیسی چه می شود؟"
How do you say “Please” in Persian?“Please” be Farsi che mishavad? به فارسی چه می شود؟"please"
What time is it?Saat chand ast?ساعت چند است؟
It’s 4Saat 4 astساعت 4 است
How much is it?Gheimatash chand ast?قیمتش چند است؟

How to Introduce Yourself
English Persian فارسی
Do you speak (English/ Farsi)?Aya Farsi/ Englisi sohbat mikonid?آیا فارسی/ انگلیسی صحبت می کنید؟آیا فارسی/ انگلیسی صحبت می کنید؟What's your name? Esme shoma chist? اسم شما چیست؟
My name is ...Esme man … .... اسم من
Mr/ MrsAgha/ Khanoomآقا/ خانم
Boy/ GirlPesar/ Dokhtarپسر/ دختر
Nice to meet you!Khosh vaghtam!!خوش وقتم
How old are you?Chand sal darid?چند سال دارید؟
I'm twenty years oldBist sal daramبیست سال دارم
Useful words and phrases
Good luck!Movafagh bashidموفق باشید
Happy birthday!Tavalodat mobarakتولدت مبارک
Happy new year!Sale no mobarakسال نو مبارک
Congratulations!Tabrik migooyamتبریک می گویم
Bless you (when sneezing)Afiat bashadعافیت باشد
No Problem!Masaleyi nistمسئله ای نیست
Just a littleKamiکمی
English Number012345678910
Persian Number۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹۱۰
Persian PronunciationSefrYekDowSehChaharPanjShishHaftHashtNohDah

The majority of the population speaks the Persian (Farsi) language, which is also the official language of the country. There are also some other dialects spoken by people around Iran. Turkic, Luri, Lari, Kurdish, and Arabic are the languages people speak in different part of the country. Armenian, Georgian, and Neo-Aramaic are also minority languages spoken by people.


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