Iran's Culture 12 Mar 2024 BY Arash

Discover the similarities between Iran and Italy

Iran and Italy are similar in a great many ways. Despite their linguistic and geographic differences, both countries are strikingly similar in several ways. You may even have heard people saying that Italy is the Iran of Europe, and on the contrary, Iran is the Italy of Asia.

The similarities between Iran and Italy go beyond the color of the flag of both countries, the people of these two countries are very warm and hospitable. But let us delve more into the topic and you will be surprised to learn how similar the two nations are.


Connection to Family

Connection to Family

One of the most striking similarities between Iran and Italy is a deep sense of respect for elders, close-knit family relationships, and a focus on maintaining strong familial bonds. Family gatherings and celebrations are cherished occasions in both cultures.

Interestingly, Italians also exchange kisses, much like Iranians do. However, Italians typically settle for two kisses during friendly encounters. So, if you find yourself among Italian friends, embrace the warmth and don't fret about cultural differences.

Furthermore, Italians hold family in high regard, similar to Iranians. The nurturing and upbringing of children within a loving and close-knit family unit are of utmost importance to them. Family gatherings are an integral part of their weekends, emphasizing the significance of maintaining strong familial ties.

Although Italy is located in Europe and Europeans become independent from the age of 18 onwards, Italy does not follow this principle, and children of families are separated from the family at an advanced age. Even after marriage and establishing their independence, Italians value and nurture family relationships, frequently coming together for various occasions.

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Iranian and Italian People Use Body Language

Both Italians and Iranians use their body language a lot to communicate with others. Gestures, facial expressions, and animated conversations are common in daily interactions.

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Respect for the Elderly

Respect for the Elderly

There are always many differences of opinion regarding more respect for different ages in the countries of the world. Some countries believe that the children of a country are the future builders of a country and children should be respected first, but in Iran and Italy, people respect the elderly more.

If an Iranian or an Italian sees an elderly person entering the subway, he gets up and gives his seat to him. This is another cultural similarity between these two countries. On the other hand, Iranian and Italian families take care of their parents when they reach old age and consider this a great responsibility.

Many families even live with their parents in a house, an apartment, or in the same neighborhood so that they can take care of their family more and be their care.

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Iran and Italy: Physical Appearance

Iran and Italy_ Physical Appearance

It may be a little strange to say that the relationship between Iran and Italy extends beyond cultural to physical appearances. Both countries share a common genetic background that has historical, political, and cultural influences. For example, the chromosome Haplogroup J2, which can be found in Iran is also prevalent in Italy. As such they share similar facial features such as large eyes, broad and arched eyebrows, medium lips, and slender cheeks.

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Rich Historical Heritage of Iran and Italy

Italy and Iran share deep historical roots, with both countries being significant cradles of ancient civilizations. The remnants of these great empires have left indelible marks on their cultures, architecture, and traditions.

Italy boasts a rich heritage that traces back to the Roman Empire, renowned for its architectural marvels such as the Colosseum and the Pantheon. Similarly, Iran was once the center of the Persian Empire, known for its grand palaces, intricate artwork, and impressive architectural feats like the Persepolis.

Both nations take immense pride in preserving their historical sites and artifacts. Italy's archaeological wonders like Pompeii and Herculaneum find echoes in Iran's UNESCO World Heritage sites, including the ancient city of Persepolis and the stunning architecture of Isfahan's Naqsh-e Jahan Square.

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Iranian and Italian Food

Iranian and Italian Food

The culinary traditions of both Italy and Iran showcase remarkable similarities, with a focus on diverse flavors, fresh ingredients, and the significance of family meals. Also, Italians, like Iranians, take great pride in their cuisine and actively promote it with enthusiasm.

Both countries share common cuisines that have been created with historical, political, and cultural influences. For example, polo or risotto, pasta or noodles, and dolmades.

The two countries also have local and regional cuisines that vary greatly according to geographical, climatic, and seasonal conditions. For example, in Iran and Italy, the food of the north, south, east, and west of the country differs greatly.

Both countries have special occasion foods that are determined by traditions, customs, and beliefs. For example, in Iran, dishes like Sabzi Polo, Ash-e Reshteh, and Khoresh-e Fesenjan are prepared for Nowruz, Shab-e Cheleh, and Shab-e Yalda, respectively. Similarly, Italy features specific foods for Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day, and New Year's Eve.

| Explore more: Persian Food


Drinking Habits in Iran and Italy

Another cultural similarity between Iran and Italy is that they share a fascination with beverages, particularly coffee. Both Iranian and Italian people are very fond of coffee and always spend a part of their time drinking coffee. Iranian and Italian people are very good coffee connoisseurs and always choose the best quality coffee to drink.

Iranian and Italian people are also very fond of ice cream and are big fans of ice cream. Perhaps standing in a long line for ice cream for the people of both countries is the only line that does not make them angry!

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Fashion: Iran vs. Italy

We all know that Italy, especially Milan, is the fashion capital of the world and has a powerful fashion industry, which has made fashion enthusiasts travel to this country. Italians also care more about their appearance and their way of dressing than anywhere else. But we can also dare to say that Iranian girls and boys can compete with the trends of the day and like Italians they are proud to wear attractive clothes!

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Appreciation for Art and Aesthetics

Appreciation for Art and Aesthetics

The similarities between Iran and Italy extend beyond culinary traditions. Both nations share a profound appreciation for various art forms, music, literature, and craftsmanship. Throughout history, they have produced exceptional artists, musicians, poets, and architects who have left a lasting impact on the global artistic landscape.

In both Iranian and Italian cultures, traditional arts hold immense significance. Calligraphy, with its intricate and elegant script, is highly regarded in Iran, while Italy boasts a rich tradition of masterful miniature painting and pottery.

Music, too, holds a special place in both societies. Iranians and Italians have contributed greatly to the world of classical, traditional, and contemporary music.

Furthermore, literature plays a vital role in both Iranian and Italian cultures. From renowned poets and novelists to celebrated playwrights, each country boasts a rich literary tradition that reflects their unique histories, perspectives, and artistic prowess.

| Explore more: Persian Art


Warm Hospitality of Iranians and Italians

Italians and Iranians are known for their warm hospitality and generosity towards guests. They have a strong culture of welcoming visitors and making them feel at home. Sharing meals, offering tea, and engaging in friendly conversations are common practices in both cultures.

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Iranians and Italians Love for Festivals & Celebrations

Iranians and Italians Love for Festivals & Celebrations

Italians and Iranians have a vibrant festival culture with numerous traditional celebrations throughout the year. In both countries, these festivities feature captivating elements such as music, dance, colorful costumes, and traditional rituals. Italians and Iranians come together to celebrate their rich heritage, paying homage to centuries-old traditions that have been passed down through generations.

By participating in these celebrations, Italians and Iranians strengthen their bonds as a community and celebrate the unique aspects of their respective cultures. The festival culture in both countries serves as a reminder of the power of tradition and the enduring spirit of celebration that unites people across borders.

| Read the full article: Iranian Festivals and Celebrations


Bottom Line

In exploring the unique wonders of different countries, one cannot help but notice the intriguing similarities that exist within their cultures. Iran and Italy, in particular, exhibit a multitude of cultural parallels that captivate our attention. In this blog, we have highlighted ten of the most striking similarities between Iran and Italy.

However, the shared cultural traits mentioned above merely scratch the surface. The cultural affinity between Iranians and Italians runs deeper, fostering a strong connection that resonates with many individuals.

We hope that the insights shared in this blog have been informative. We invite you to share your experiences of traveling to Italy or Iran below and any other cultural similarities you may have encountered beyond what we have discussed.

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